What Does Our Future Look Like? Glimpses of a Sustainable Future from Students at PS 110

For the second year in a row, students and staff at PS 110, The Monitor School have been imagining a healthier future for themselves and the planet by investigating sustainability topics in special eight-week long classes held in the fall and spring. Here is a sampling of their topics they explored this year and various student voices reflecting on healthy habits, nature appreciation and human impact on the environment.

Enrichment Topics and Student Reflections

Nature Study in McGolrick Park: “…a spot where you can feel the breeze and finally be at peace.” –Julien Oppenheimer, 3rd Grader

Bees in the City: “Don’t use pesticides. Bee aware. And save the bees! They keep our world sweet.” – Victoria Wyszkowski, 5th Grader

Meditation and Mindfulness: “Yoga gives us a calm body, calm brain and calm heart. At PS 110, we are growing calm hearts and minds.” – Students of Ms. Pezzella’s enrichment.

Tree Experts: “Stay Green because plants and trees need clean air just like us. Help each other. Respect Nature so it stays.” –Students of Ms. McLee’s enrichment

ABCs of Sustainability: “Nature is important to sustainability because we need to help nature by not cutting down the trees because they give us oxygen. And we have to not litter and just throw garbage otherwise it can end up in oceans or forests, because like bags can fly away and get stuck in the wind. And the animals will eat it and get sick and die. And we don’t want animals to die.” –Charles Ladd and James Carden, 3rd Graders

Zero Waste: “It’s not trash if you can make something with it!” – Students of Mr. Jensen’s Enrichment
Art Making with Plastic: “How can we rethink how and why we use plastic in our daily lives?” – Question from Ms. Levier’s enrichment. See their art gallery video!

Music Activists: “As Music Activists, we use music to share our feelings and opinions. Fight against/for the things we believe in. Talk about troubling issues. And write songs!” – Ms. Head’s enrichment


By Fran Agnone, Greenpoint Eco-Schools Sustainability Coach @ PS 110

Stay tuned for continued Adventures in Sustainability from the PS 110 Enrichments in the 2018-2019 School Year!