Good.Clean.Fun. In McCarren Park!

Good.Clean.Fun. was invited by Open Space Alliance to co-sponsor a community-based clean-up and leaf raking day on Saturday, January 28th. As the winter season treks on, it is important to make sure that leaf coverage stays to a minimum in order for the ground and grass to flourish come winter. Good.Clean.Fun. came to the rescue for our park. By combining health and wellness initiatives and environmentally minded activities, this organization has become a strong force in creating eco-friendly events!

Good.Clean.Fun. describes an idea in action. It is an energetic manifestation of what occurs when awareness meets community, environment, and opportunity.  Good.Clean.Fun. projects may take many forms, yet, always at their source remain the core values of self-empowerment, accountability, cooperation, curiosity and open minded service.  These values shape and guide the soul of every Good.Clean.Fun. endeavor and are exemplified in our NYC park stewardship efforts thusly:

1) Self Empowerment –


Park goers literally take matters into their own gLOVEd hands… Whether it is litter clean up, snow shoveling, leaf raking or smile sharing, G.C.F. participants get an opportunity to be the change they wish to see in their public green space.

2) Accountability –


We are not just bodies moving through space.  We are thinking caring beings who have a responsibility to ourselves and our environment. Green space is a gift in our concrete jungle and we take part to show gratitude and care for this gift.

3) Cooperation –


Many hands make light work.  One ingredient in G.C.F.’s special sauce is FUN! We want participants to engage with the park they way they would in their normal routine (running, playing soccer, walking their dog, relaxing etc.) with the added layer of awareness that empowers them to make a positive impact.  When we work together with each other and the environment we can have big impacts!

4) Curiosity –


What am I doing here? What’s that thing? Who are these people? These are all great questions that can lead G.C.F. participants on journeys of exploration that help them encounter new and radical ways to have Good.Clean.Fun.

5) Open Minded Service –


Service to others and to our environment can be one of the most enriching experiences we encounter throughout the day.  We find it easiest to encounter these experiences when we don’t enter a scenario with a preconceived notion of how it’s all going to turn out.  

Ultimately, we believe these concepts are time-honored pathways to a more awakened state of being. Good.Clean.Fun. therefore is simply a way to frame these concepts in palatable, actionable, and a lightweight adds to our daily lives.

The question we find ourselves asking now is, How will you have Good.Clean.Fun. today? We are so grateful to have experienced the infectious enthusiasm that Good.Clean.Fun. emanates, and we are sure that those who attended the event felt it as well!  The goal of the raking event was to activate park goers, stimulate interest in a “Friends of McCarren” group and have lots of GOOD.CLEAN.FUN. raking up leaves! These goals were all met by raking over 80 bags of leaves so the grass can come back strong this spring.

There are always opportunities to have G.C.F. at McCarren so please email Sam at for further details or to set up an activity!