Five Eco-Conscious Ways to Go Green at Home

We all aspire to become better versions of the people we are, but in our GoGreen community, we know that improving our neighborhood and environment is just as crucial as the promises we make to ourselves.

Greenpoint has a long, storied history with battling against the waves of pollution and litter. 40 years ago, upon the discovery of the 17 million gallon pollutant spill in Greenpoint’s Newtown Creek, both non-profit partners and grassroots community organizers developed a coordinated effort to truly make Greenpoint green. Local activists continue to caretake and grow a community that is more engaged, more aware, and more proactive towards environmental issues in and around the neighborhood.

How can you be an Earth-Activist at home? We’ve made a list of enviro-resolutions that are both easy to follow and beneficial for the environment. Whether you’re a longtime eco-warrior, or a new partner to the cause, you’ll find something to learn or share with your neighbors.

Say No to Harmful Chemicals

Getting your apartment clean shouldn’t require a hazmat suit. Toxic chemicals in cleaning products (such as carcinogens, ammonia, and bleach) can have adverse effects on both personal and environmental health. For example, if your product is fragranced, there is a good chance it contains phthalates. Phthalates can cause breathing issues, migraines, and even mess with your hormones. Instead of spraying a can of fragranced aerosol, use essential oils and a diffuser, or burn some natural-scented candles.

Tip: Take the time to read ingredient labels of household cleaners, and if none of the ingredients tickle your eco-conscious fancy, create your own. After all, the best way to be aware is to be actively involved in the process. Save some recipes to your Pinterest board and get cleaning! A particularly fun substitute: Replace all your dangerous ammonia products with a strong vodka. 

Greenpoint’s very own Mike Schade works for Safer Chemicals and he is a great resource to learn more.

With Great Shower Power, Comes Great Shower Responsibility

Singing your lungs out during a long, hot wash has likely been the greatest past-time since the shower was invented. We hate to break it to you, but if you care about the planet, you should cut some songs from your epic lineup.

Conservation of resources like water and energy is one vital way to make a positive impact on the environment. Saving water can greatly reduce the amount of energy utilized to filter and distribute it. Cut your shower to just five minutes and continue to easily reduce your daily use of water by simply turning off the faucet for other tasks when you aren’t using it.

Tip: There are a few different levels to measure your consumption, from the use of a timed shower head to simply setting a timer on your phone. A fun way is to put on music and give yourself a “two-song” limit (most songs are about three minutes long) — by the time two songs have passed, your whole body must be washed and rinsed!

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle – now, repeat!

Recycling is a concept we all likely learned about in grade school. Unfortunately, our best-learned lessons don’t always go into practice. Improper disposal of waste contributes to a huge carbon footprint, one that many future Greenpoint residents will be dealing with long after we are gone. While we can push to avert major dumping issues through community organizing and legislation, proper individual recycling habits are equally important. By recycling, you can reduce your contribution to landfills, prevent pollutants from invading greenspace and precious ecosystems, and conserve production resources for the long haul.

Tip: Have extra clothes, books, toys, electronics or household items lying around? Bring ’em to Greencycle Swap, in our very own neighborhood, and take whatever “new” stuff you want! The swaps will be September 29 and December 8. This is an easy, green, and fun way to reuse and repurpose your unwanted things.
Separate your recycling bins into aluminum, paper, glass, and plastic. Maybe even make a compost bin for your unwanted scraps! Create a habit of separating your waste into the appropriate bins, the neighborhood will thank you later.

Greenify Your Own Space

Not everyone has a green thumb, but you don’t have to be a gardening expert to plant a seed for the future. We utilize our gardens and green spaces for a variety of life-sustaining resources such as oxygen, food, and shelter, both directly and indirectly. While recycling can reduce our need to cut down as many trees as we already do, planting more trees in their place is a great way to pay it forward to the environment and future earthlings. In addition to planting, use of organic waste in composting can also serve as a positive benefit, guaranteeing that waste products live out their most organic, environmentally beneficial purposes.

Tip: Get a free tree to plant as part of Greenpoint Tree Giveaway! Buy some low-maintenance succulents, like Aloe Vera (which you can also use medicinally!), a Flaming Katy, or a pincushion cactus to get you in the habit of stewarding your space. Volunteer for Million Trees NYC.

Lights Out

Energy saving methods are another vital way you can be eco-conscious (and save money on that monthly bill). Tip: If you’re at home during the daytime hours, use natural lighting as much as possible instead of flipping on your light switch. With this simple habit, you’re contributing to the reduction of fossil fuels used to generate electricity. Feel as though you’re still going to be a bit forgetful? Switch to CFL light bulbs. These use less electricity and last longer than incandescent bulbs.

Got your own eco lifehacks? Let us know by submitting your own story here, or let the neighborhood know on our Facebook!