The workshop aims to introduce attendees to the Rain Garden Stewardship Program, sponsored by the Department of Environmental Conservation (DEP). During the workshop, attendees will learn about the purpose and function of rain gardens, as well as the dos and don’ts of stewarding one. The public will also have the opportunity to sign up for the DEP program, which will provide all necessary equipment and materials for performing maintenance activities of stewarding one.
This event is hosted by NYC Parks GreenThumb. We are proud to be the nation’s largest urban community gardening program, sustaining over 550 gardens throughout New York City. With GreenThumb’s support, community gardens are centers of environmental justice, ensuring that our city is fairer, safer, and greener for all. GreenThumb’s events are free and open to the public.
Location: Ashford Street Abundant Garden, 330 Ashford Street, Brooklyn. Directions to this location
Cost: Free
Registration: Register on our website
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