This fantasy musical film follows the story of Willy Wonka, the famous but eccentric chocolatier based on the character from Roald Dahl’s novel. In particular, it emphasizes his rise to the top. The narrative traces his beginnings as a young adult who started as an employee selling chocolate in a store until he became driven to enter the chocolate industry eventually. This film acts as a prequel to the 1971 film adaptation of Dahl’s novel.
Grab a blanket and come enjoy a movie in a neighborhood park or playground! This summer, NYC Parks and The Mayor’s Office of Media and Entertainment will host family-friendly movie showings across the five boroughs.
Movies begin at dusk. This event is FREE and open to the public. Glass bottles and alcoholic beverages are strictly prohibited. In the event of heavy rain or extreme weather, the screening may be canceled. The decision to cancel the event will be made prior to the screening and will be promptly posted on our website.
For more information visit or call 311. Contact (212) 360-1430 or [email protected] for more information regarding accessibility.
Location: Mellet Playground in Mellett Playground, Brooklyn. Directions to this location
Cost: Free
Registration: Registration has begun and ends on 6/27/2024. Register
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