ExxonMobil will present their proposed alteration to the Greenpoint Oil Spill Pollution Discharge System. We encourage community stakeholders to attend and learn more about the modification and what it might mean for the health of Newtown Creek and larger Greenpoint community.
Their application to New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) will modify their permit for discharging treated groundwater as part of the Greenpoint Oil Spill remediation project. The modification will allow ExxonMobil to consolidate two existing treatment systems to a new groundwater facility to be located at 38 Varick Street, Brooklyn, NY. We encourage everyone to read Newtown Creek Alliance’s thoughtful summary: https://www.newtowncreekalliance.org/exxonmobil-permits/. We highly encourage members of the public to attend this meeting to learn about the project and ensure that community health is not jeopardized as part of this proposal:
To Join Online: https://bit.ly/EMGPSPDES-07-18-2024
To Join By Phone: +1 646 558 8656 (New York)
When prompted, enter the Meeting ID: Meeting ID: 883 5311 9587
Meeting Agenda:
Project Overview
Scope of work
Project schedules
Community Impacts
Proposed Mitigation Measures
Questions and Answers