It is rare for New Yorkers to understand they live in a city surrounded by water. So many are either unaware of the water or how to access it. This is an unfortunate reality for many young people and families where large new waterfront parks are not the norm. Join us for a conversation that discusses the current inequities in access to useable waterfronts, how environmental justice communities carry the burden, and the severe limitations of underdeveloped waterfronts that provide no community benefits and are at significant risk due to climate hazards. We will also explore the physical/mental/social implications of not being able to access these natural, water-filled, and inspiring spaces.
SPEAKERS John Doyle, President, City Island Rising Daniel Rannells, Director of Programs and Operations, Bronx River Alliance Ben Regas, Community Organizer, Waterfront Alliance Arif Ullah, Executive Director; South Bronx Unite
MODERATOR Furhana Husani, Director of Programs and Climate Initiatives, Waterfront Alliance