Join Brooklyn Bridge Park Conservancy for a free, English/Spanish bilingual family bird walk for all ages! Together we’ll explore the woodland habitat at Pier 1, search the salt marsh for waterbirds, and keep an eye out for feathered friends flying overhead. With spring migration underway, we expect to see many of the park’s year-round birds as well as a few surprises! Field guides and binoculars will be provided.
Space is limited and pre-registration is required. The walk will be led by a bilingual Conservancy Educator. La caminata será dirigida por un educador bilingüe de Conservancy.
Registration full? Sign up for our waitlist here – you will be notified if spots open.
April’s theme is birds at the Environmental Education Center! Stop by for our free Open Hours to participate in fun activities and pick up complimentary bird scavenger hunts. Visit our website for additional at-home learning resources you can use in your own community.